Water Damage

Water is a life-giving substance with uniquely devastating properties in the right setting. A small drip from a broken pipe can start building over time, creating moisture damage and attracting mold that can slowly wear away at the foundations of a home.

Instances like these cost homeowners in Florida millions of dollars every year. At Murray & Associates, we are experts at navigating the insurance process involved with water damage so you can save money and get the repairs you need.

Understand the Difference Between Water and Flood Damage

The difference between flood and water damage is essential in determining your coverage. Many standard insurance options do not cover flood damage but do cover water damage – a crucial point to keep in mind, especially in Florida.

Flood Damage

Most insurance providers define floods as a rising or overflowing body of water that spills over to the land. The critical word in that description is “rising,” as that will be what an insurer will hinge on before determining if the damage is covered. Ultimately, for something to be classified as a flood, the water needs to emanate from a body of water like an ocean, river, or lake rather than from an internal plumbing mechanism like a pipe or toilet.

Water Damage

Water damage, on the other hand, encompasses many more scenarios. Generally speaking, this type of damage refers to just about any instance of loss not caused by rising water. Usually, internal issues in a building are triggered by a buildup of water like mold, unstable supporting structures, and leaking roofs.

What are the Categories of Water Damage?

There are three main categories of water damage:

Category 1:

Clean water damage that does not pose a health risk to people – this category is usually caused by overflowing water from an appliance or sink.

Category 2:

Gray water that is contaminated and could cause illness if ingested. This category encompasses water from places that contain dangerous microorganisms like broken toilets, sump pumps, and leaking or backed sewage.

Category 3:

Black water that is unsanitary due to a high concentration of bacteria that can cause infections or illness. The most common sources of black water are standing water and sewage.

Do You Need an Attorney for a Water Damage Claim in Florida?

If you have water damage in your home, make Murray & Associates your first call to ensure the coverage you deserve from your insurer. Call us today to learn more!

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